Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The self-imposed obligatory list of things I am thankful for...

What day is it, today? Is it Tuesday? Why, I believe a round of thanks would be in order. Don't you? Ah, Thanksgiving. Yes, it's that time of year again, the time when the people in the diet business lift up their hands and say, "God, thank You for this season of gluttony upon which the masses are about to embark, for yea, it is profitable to us whence cometh New Years,"...something like that. Anyway, so here are some things I am thankful for this year:

1. A new season in life.

Joining staff at YWAM Coatesville was certainly a surprise. I wasn't anticipating that this would happen until the end of the year, but God knows His timing. The way everything happened was quite the story, and despite all of the challenges that come w/ this journey, it has been truly fulfilling.

2. Deeper relationships

I think I'd say that I've almost always had friends who I consider to be very close. It was sure challenging to grow and develop a lot of those relationships while drudging through so many years of uncertainty before everything finalized w/ Coatesville, though. Now that the rhythm of life has solidfied a bit more, it's been great making new friends in the area, growing closer w/ them, and watching as the older friendships seem to be taking a whole new dynamic (a good one, that is, but for brevity's sake, I shan't elaborate).

3. Clarity concerning vision and direction for the future

It's been more than 7 & 1/2 years, now, since I started getting some very specific vision regarding the direction my life should be heading. However, this is the first time I can honestly say I've committed to something for the long-term (being in the Philadelphia area for at least the next 7 years, and most likely one or two other places in the Northeast for at least the next 16 years after that). Furthermore, though my main goals have remained intact, and I've hada sense of direction in the past about the steps I should be taking to get there, this is the first time I've found the steps which work AND that I'm truly happy with. (College and career goals, but I'll have to blog about that some other time.)

Well, that's a wrap, and I'm thankful that this blog is finished:) Happy Turkey Day to all!

Gardens of Eden

Thought I'd go ahead and throw another poem up on here. Let me know if you get anything out of it.


If we could go back
Back to the start
Where gardens of Eden
Grow deep in our heart
Would we be near
While so far apart,
Or as mere muddy mortals
Return to the earth?

Royals rage
As wars they wage
O'er gardens of Eden
Long torn from their hearts
The wisest sage
Inks another page
In hopes of a candle
A guide through the dark

But if we could return
To that which is lost
In strength, would we run
Or recoil at the cost?
While children laugh
And dance, and play
And dig their hands deep
In earth's muddy clay
Not minding to soil
Their dresses in dirt
For gardens of Eden
Grow deep in their heart

I wonder, should we cease
From our tireless toil
To pay a greater price
Than spilled blood and oil
And risk all we have
For what's already paid
Would we see we're all losers
In the games that we've played?

And if time would stand still
For a moment or two
To reflect on all that
We say and we do
Crossing deep seas
As their wide waters part
Would gardens of Eden
Return to our heart?

- Idou ego apostello humas hos probata en meso lukon ginesoe oun phronimoi hos oi opheis kai akeraioi hos ai peristerai