Saturday, April 25, 2009

So the adventure's begun (my journey back into YWAM)

Hola, shalom, and all that good stuff:) Well, it's been a while since I've posted any material online, and I thought now would be a good time for me to go w/ a site that's a little more blog-oriented (being a writer by trade, I prefer to take what I do seriously).

So what's new w/ me? Well, there's definitely a lot to catch up on, but I'll leave it w/ this for now. In case you haven't heard, I just got started back w/ YWAM (and in case you don't know what YWAM is, click here to find out more - If you know me at all, you're probably well aware that I have a major heart for New York City. I took quite a few trips to the area between spring '04 and fall '06 (living in Northern Virginia makes it easy to do things like that:). In the last few years, however, I started to realize that everything that drew me to NYC could be found in some fashion throughout much of the Northeast (namely the 8-hour stretch along the I-95 corridor from D.C. to Boston). This got me pretty excited, and it was only a short matter of time before God called me back into YWAM.

After taking some time to pray about where I should join, I felt like I should link up w/ a base in Coatesville, PA (about 3 hours from where I live). I've known the leader of YWAM-Coatesville for quite a few years, and it turns out we've both been getting a burden for Philadelphia (the only remaining major city in the northeastern U.S. in which there is no YWAM presence). Some time had passed, and the door eventually opened for me to join staff at the beginning of this month (how that happened is quite a story, too...but I suppose it's better left for another time:).

I'll have more to share about the ongoing details of my life in later posts, but I'll close w/ this. If you know about YWAM, you know that everybody who gets involved has to raise their own financial support (yes, even the founder, himself, does not receive a salary). I have a ways to go w/ this, so I am continuing w/ my current job during the first half of each week until I've raised enough funds to join on as a full-time staff member. Please do keep me in your prayers as it comes to mind, and if you would like to help me in this journey by supporting me financially, feel free to get a hold of me and let me know.

God bless, and thank you so much for taking the time to read.

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