Sunday, April 26, 2009

If time is money, no wonder it's rarely free (The chaotic schedule that is.......)

So what does the average week in the life of Jimmy Ballenger look like these days? Well, I'll break it down for you as follows:

Sat. morn. - afternoon: Services/fellowship at KSS (

Sat. late afternoon - night: Work

Sun. morn. - afternoon: Errands, chill (a *little*)

Sun. late afternoon - night: Work

Mon.: Same as Sunday

Tuesday morn. - late afternoon: Work

Tuesday eve.: Come home, get dinner, throw my things together, drive up to PA

Tuesday night: Arrive in Coatesville, get settled in, go to bed

Wed. morn. - late afternoon: Staff lectures/helping out any way I can

Wed. eve. - night: Helping out w/ YWAM-Coatesville's Spanish ministry

Thurs. morn. - late afternoon: Helping out around the base, manning reception in the afternoon

Thurs. eve. - night: Work in fundraising

Fri. morn. - late afternoon: Same as Wed.

Fri. eve. - night: Same as Tues. (in reverse)

So that's what life's looking like for me pretty much these days. Despite how hectic that sounds, it's not that bad. I do get enough downtime here and there each week to relax and spend time w/ others (I do have to have time to eat, you know). I guess that's all there really is to say for now, then, so thanks again for taking the time to read:)

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