Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"B'reisheet - Yehiyeh": In the Beginning was the Word...

Many are familiar w/ the opening part of the Gospel of John - "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was w/ God, and the Word was God." Something really caught my attention about this as I was looking at a few passages of Scripture in the original Greek and Hebrew. By reading the opening words of this passage, one of the first things that pops into many people's heads is the story of creation ("In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." - Genesis 1:1). There's a word that keeps popping up in the original Hebrew as God is speaking forth creation - yehiyeh. It refers to a state of being, translated as "let there be" and "there was" (hence, if we were to translate the entire passage into English except for that word, it would look something like this - "And God said 'yehiyeh light,' and yehiyeh light).

Going back to the beginning of John, we understand this "word" as referring to Jesus ("and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us"). I don't want to get us off into some sort of weird, hyper-spiritual, meaningless mystical wandering after "deeper meaning" (i.e. I don't want this to be about anything other than Jesus as this is what the passage is talking about). However, I don't want to overlook the fact that there can be more meaning to something than what we see at face value, especially if it reveals to us something more about God's heart. It's interesting to note that it says that this word was w/ God "in the beginning", but it also says that the word "was God". Again, we understand this to be talking about Jesus, but here's something interesting to go along w/ that. This word, "yehiyeh", is conjugated another way which appears in Exodus 3 - eheyeh (as in "EHEYEH ASHER EHEYEH" ["I AM THAT I AM"]).

So you probably know that I've been doing a lot of reading up on quantum physics lately. I ran across something rather interesting about 2 months ago known as zero-point energy. It's kind of difficult for me to explain right now as I only know the cursory definition of it, but zero-point energy refers to the power that brought this world into existence. It exists all around us, nevertheless, we don't perceive it. It is mostly rested, and it would have been only by what's known as a "quantum fluctuation" that this power caused this world to be. It is my understanding that this energy exists as a product of some other dimension, as it seems to pop up mysteriously (hence it is known as the "phantom force" of energy). It's as if something from another dimension had to breathe everything into existence (which is interesting, b/c the Hebrew word that keeps appearing in creation seems to have an inhale/exhale sound to it).

There's more I could say, but I'll save it for later. For now, I close w/ this. There is power in that word. No, I don't mean that it's some kind of magical word that gives us special power if we say it, but what I'm saying is that there's something to be said about the findings of modern science, the appearance of this mysterious word, and God knows what else, all pointing to the power and authority of His holy name. So next time you walk outside and look up at the stars, next time you see the green grass growing in the bright shining sun, the waving trees, the crashing seas, or whatever it is in nature that brings you to your knees (<--he saith, as he attempts to wax poetic), you might want to keep in mind the awesome power behind it all.

"Jesus said to them, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM." - John 8:58

"As soon as He had said to them, "I AM", they went backward, and fell to the ground." - John 18:6

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth." - Psalm 8:9

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