Saturday, October 31, 2009

As far as the I can see

I wrote this on my facebook page and thought I'd post it here, too. Hope you find it constructively meaningful.

Wait right here
And dig with me
To see as far
As the I can see
In earthen vessels
In dignity
Let's venture in this

Build a wall
So high, I can't see
Dig a well
So deep I can't reach
Find within
Then learn this virtue
That no man can teach

Do we fall
By night and by day
Only to go
Our separate way?
Try as we might
We wander in vain
By day and by night
O'er the open plain

ut to take the road
Less travelled by
With heart set on One
Much greater than I
To trust with assurance
Where I cannot see
And venture towards

I wonder the price
I wonder the cost
Is it worth it all
If all is lost?
And letting go
I do embrace
The sweetness of'
This divine grace
To hold in my hand
What I cannot touch
When everything else
Is nothing much

And love as I do
Empowered by
The Spirit of the One
Much greater than I
Trusting it all
Into His hand
Even when I
Don't understand

So holding on
I won't let go
'Til all will see
That they may know
The worth of this truth
Too weighty to bear
And upon His strength
I cast every care

"And all of the earth spoke one language; ... And the people said, 'Let's go build a city with a tower so high that it reaches the sky, and let's make a name for ourselves to keep us from being scattered over all the earth.' And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that they built, and He said, 'Look, the people have become one, sharing a common language, and this is what they're beginning to do. Now nothing can hold them back from doing whatever they imagine. Let's go mix up their language so that they won't be able to understand each other.' So the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth, and they left the building of the city unfinished." - Gen. 11:1,4-8

"So to keep me from being praised unworthily for all of the revelations I've received, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to beat me and keep me in my place. I prayed to God three times to have it taken away, but He said to me, 'My grace is enough for you, as My strength is perfected in weakness.' So I would much rather be known for my weaknesses, that the power of Messiah may rest upon me." 2 Cor. 12:7-9

"And I, brothers, when I came to you, I did not come to you with eloquent speech or wisdom as I bore to you the witness of God, because I determined to let nothing be known among you, except for Jesus the Messiah, and His sentence on death row." - 1 Cor. 2:1-2 (modern-day paraphrase)

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